2015年7月-2017年7月 中国联合网络通信有限公司娄底市分公司 固网渠道管理
2017年7月- OD体育官方网站信息学院 辅导员
[1] ZengRi Zeng, Baokang Zhao, Han-Chieh Chao, et al. Towards intelligent attackdetection using DNA computing [J]. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun, 2023,Appl. 19, 3s, Article 126, 27 pages. (SCI, CCF推荐)
[2] ZengRi Zeng, Wei Peng, De Zeng. Improving thestability of intrusion detection with causal deep learning [J]. IEEETransactions on Network and Service Management, 2022, 19(4): 4750-4763. (SCI,CCF推荐)
[3] ZengRi Zeng, Wei Peng, De Zeng, et al. Intrusion detectionframework based on causal reasoning for DDoS [J]. Journal of InformationSecurity and Applications, 2022, 65: 103124. (SCI, CCF推荐)
[4] ZengRi Zeng, Wei Peng, Baokang Zhao. Improving theaccuracy of network intrusion detection with Causal Machine Learning [J].Security and Communication Networks, 2021, 2021: 1-18. (SCI, CCF推荐)
[5] ZengRi Zeng, Wei Peng, Baokang Zhao. Towardintelligent attack detection with a causal explainable method for encryptingtraffic [C]//28th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2023.(CCF推荐)
[6] ZengRi Zeng, Wei Peng, Baokang Zhao. Towardunknown/known cyberattack detection with a causal transformer [C]//28th IEEESymposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2023. (CCF推荐)
[7] ZengRi Zeng, Wei Peng. Toward identifying maliciousencrypted traffic with a causality detection system [J]. Journal of InformationSecurity and Applications. (SCI, CCF推荐)
[8] Xu Y, Zeng Z R, Ding O. An energy efficient holerepair node scheduling algorithm for WSN[J]. Wireless Networks, 2017, 23:103-116. (SCI, CCF推荐)
[9] Zeng D, Yan T, Zeng Z, et al. A Hyperparameter AdaptiveGenetic Algorithm Based on DQN[J]. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers,2022: 2350062. (SCI)
[10] Zeng D, Zhan J, Zeng Z, et al. Evolutionary job schedulingwith optimized population by deep reinforcement learning[J]. EngineeringOptimization, 2023, 55(3): 494-509. (SCI)
[1] 曾增日,彭伟,赵宝康. 一种基于因果机器学习的网络安全监测分析方法与系统[P]. 湖南省:CN113824725B,2023-04-07.
[2] 曾增日,赵宝康,彭伟. 一种基于DNA计算的智能攻击检测方法及系统[P]. 湖南省:CN115442087A,2022-12-06.