序号 |
论文题目 |
作 者 |
期刊名称 |
发表日期 |
刊 号 |
刊物性质 |
主办单位 |
1 |
Inertial navigation technology based on Kalman filtering |
朱高峰 |
2020 7th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE) |
2020.12 |
会议EI检索 |
2 |
Comparison of EKF and UKF target tracking algorithms based on observation distance |
朱高峰 |
2020 7th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE) |
2020.12 |
会议EI检索 |
3 |
Research on the promotion strategy of enterprise informatization construction based on Internet+ |
高川 |
Learning & Education |
2021(2) |
ISSN:2251-2802 |
国际期刊 |
新加坡亿科出版社 |
4 |
基于工程教育背景的“四阶段”实践...—以OD体育官方网站信息学院为例 |
黄诠 |
OD体育官方网站学报 |
2021.2 |
ISSN:1673-0712 CN:43-1454/Z |
省级 |
OD体育官方网站 |
5 |
Spectral Efficiency Optimization for Full-Duplex Distributed Antenna Systems |
刘湛 |
2020 7th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering(ICISCE) |
2020.12发表/2021.10检索 |
EI会议 |
6 |
Joint Subcarrier Assignment and Power Allocation for OFDMA Full-Duplex Distributed Antenna Systems |
刘湛 |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
2021.11 |
0018-9545 |
7 |
Lightweight load-balanced and authentication scheme for a cluster- based wireless |
周集良 |
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN) |
2021.2.23 |
ISSN:1550-1477 |
SCI期刊 |
sage出版公司 |
8 |
高校“以生为本”教育管理实践的哲学逻辑与现实路径研究 |
许子欣 |
动漫先锋 |
2021.5 |
ISSN 2096-1944 |
省级期刊 |
辽宁北方期刊出版集团有限公司 |
9 |
Subcarrier and Interleaver Assisted Burst Impulsive Noise Mitigation in Powe |
谭周文 |
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems |
2021.10 |
SCI 四区 |
Maruzen co. |
10 |
Improving the Accuracy of Network Intrusion Detection with Causal Machine Learning |
曾增日 |
Security and Communication Networks |
2021.11.3 |
1939-0122 |
Hindawi |
11 |
Evolutionary Job Scheduling with Optimized Population by Deep Reinforcement Learning |
曾增日 |
Engineering optimization |
已录用暂未发表 |
0305-215X |
Engineering optimization |
12 |
A novel whale optimization algorithm and its application in metallurgical process |
刘云连等 |
ICISCE 2020 |
2020.12.1 |
978-1-7281-6406-9 |
EI检索 |
13 |
Attention-based sequence modeling for categorical emotion recognition with modulation spectral feature |
彭智朝 |
ICISCE2020 |
2020.12 |
EI会议 |
14 |
基于多分辨率调制耳蜗图特征的鲁棒情感识别 |
彭智朝 |
NCMMSC2021 |
2021.10 |
公开发表会议论文 |
中国中文信息学会,中国计算机学会 |
15 |
Positioning Algorithm of UWB based on TDOA Technology in Indoor Environment |
周桃云 |
ITME2021 |
2021.12 |
978-1-7281-3918-0/19 |
EI会议 |
IEEE Computer Society |
16 |
Indoor positioning algorithm based on improved convolutional neural network |
周桃云 |
Neural Computing and Applications |
2021.5 |
0941-0643 |
Springer |
17 |
ResearchonIndoorUWBPositioningBasedonExpectation MaximizationinNLOSEnvironment |
周桃云 |
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience |
2021.9 |
1532-0626 |
18 |
A Multipath Processing Technology Based on Multiparameter-Combined Observation in GNSS |
周桃云 |
Mobile Information Systems |
2021.5 |
1574-017X |
Hindawi |
19 |
Research on Indoor UWB Positioning Algorithm in NLOS Environment |
周桃云,成运 |
ICISCE 2020 |
2020.12 |
978-1-7281-6406-9 |
EI会议 |
20 |
Research on Dual Platforms Integration for Practice-Teaching |
罗如为 |
ITME2021 |
2021.12 |
978-1-7281-3918-0/19 |
EI会议 |
IEEE Computer Society |
23 |
Evolution Mechanism of Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Innovation Network Structure from the Perspective of Complex System |
王剑波 |
Complexity |
2021.1.6 |
1076-2787 |
SCI(中科院二区) |
Hindawi |
24 |
Factors Affecting the Evolution of Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Networks Based on Cloud Computing and Multi-Agent Simulation |
王剑波 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2021.03.17 |
1024-123X |
SCI(中科院四区) |
Hindawi |
25 |
Research on Device Management Mechanism for Smart Home Edge Gateway |
李伟民 |
ICISCE 2020 |
2020.12.2 |
978-1-7281-6406-9 |
EI检索 |
26 |
Evolution Process and Simulation of Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Innovation Network Based on Intelligent System |
王剑波 |
Big Data |
2021.11.9 |
2167-6461 |
SCI(中科院四区) |
Elsevier |
27 |
Progressive Iterative Approximation for Extended B-Spline Interpolation Surfaces |
易叶青 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2021 |
1024-123X |
SCI四区 |
Hindawi |
28 |
PIA and PPIA for interpolating points and derivatives at endpoints by Bézier curves |
易叶青 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2021 |
1024-123X |
SCI四区 |
Hindawi |